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A House For Prayer & Mission

A Safe Place For Changing

A Home for Growing Christian Coaching & Helper

About Manna Home

嗎哪家Manna Home 是蘇柔允牧師於2010年在美國加州所創立的。嗎哪家致力於門徒訓練、生命恢復、幫助年輕人的教育、諮商和生命成長的工作,也是一個禱告敬拜的事工。目前Manna Home 含蓋了牧者領袖事工、女性事工、孩童事工,並且成立恢復中心,致力於提供生命教練服務、門徒訓練和成長課程來幫助人得到生命建造。

Manna Home is an international ministry founded by Pastor Zoe Su in California in 2010. Manna Home is dedicated to discipleship training, life restoration, and assisting youth in education, counseling, and spiritual growth.

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