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Our Mission & Vision


Establish and promote life education programs through teaching and coaching on emotional intelligence, interpersonal relationships, and character structure. Create a platform to help those in need by providing assistance for communities and churches

Train Christians to become helpers and life coaches by reaching out to the bereaved and bringing renewal to those in need of help in their daily lives


Aid pastors in their personal restoration and renewal by providing the spiritual and material assistance necessary for their recovery

Promote worship and prayer, establish family altars, and encourage home churches. 


Establish a global, holistic life education and resources center. Promote and establish life education systems in underdeveloped or conflict-affected areas of the world by providing the necessary equipment and training for individuals in need, enhancing their faith, hope, and love through the principles of life education, and facilitating their growth to lead abundant lives. 


Assist in the life renewal and expansion of leadership skills amongst women 


Provide emergency assistance, scholarships, and other forms of support to impoverished families and marginalized communities


Undertake any other matters related to the purpose of the organization

Our Ministries

事工領袖 Ministry Leader

蘇柔允 牧師 Pastor Zoe Su

於2010年創立嗎哪家,專注特殊對象的生命服事。加州基督教協和大學組織領導與企業教練碩士、加州正道福音神學院基督教研究碩士,高雄醫學院護理系精神護理學士。ICF國際認證教練,加州組織領導專業咨詢師。2019 推出「嗎哪生命教練課程」,致力幫助成人的生命成長並發揮天賦潛能,使能夠健康面對各種人際關係,和工作上錯綜複雜的困境。 課程包括:情商管理、人際關係的維他命,重整負面情緒,和湯森氏人格架構。

Zoe Su is an ICF International Certified Coach, a California Organizational Leadership Professional Consultant, and a life coach. She founded Manna Home ( Zoe Manna Ministries ) in 2010 and has equipped and coached church leaders and young women since then.

Zoe Su has a master's degree in Organizational Leadership and Executive Coaching & Consulting from Concordia University, a master's degree in Christian Studies from Logos Evangelical Seminary, and a bachelor's degree in Nursing from Kaohsiung University in Taiwan.

Our Team


Manna Home team currently comprises many coworkers, each participating in different positions within the ministry based on their passion (PQ), calling, and areas of expertise. The coworkers undergo special monthly training and engage in a personal growth plan. We not only care about the smooth operation of the ministry but also prioritize the growth and fulfillment of each individual's life purpose. Therefore, we are not just serving participants in the ministry but also implementing such a plan in the lives of each coworker. If you feel inspired and would like to join our team, grow with us, and contribute to the kingdom of God, please get in touch!

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