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生命教練 Life Coaching

蘇柔允牧師 Pastor Zoe Su 

  • ICF國際認證教練,加州組織領導專業咨詢師,是一名生命教練。
    Zoe Su is an
     ICF International Certified Coach, a California Organizational Leadership Professional Consultant, and a life coach. 

  • 加州基督教協和大學組織領導與企業教練碩士,加州正道福音神學院基督教研究碩士,高雄醫學院護理系精神護理學士。
    Zoe Su has a master's degree in Organizational Leadership and Executive Coaching & Consulting from Concordia University, a master's degree in Christian Studies from Logos Evangelical Seminary, and a bachelor's degree in Nursing from Kaohsiung University in Taiwan.


​生命教練服務項目 Coaching Services

​教練工具 Coaching Tools

  • 情商管理 Emotional Intelligence

  • 湯森氏人格架構 Townsend Character Structure

  • 人際關係的維他命 Relational Nutrients

  • 重整負面情緒 Restoration Process

  • 學習熱情動力 PQaire

  • 婚前準備/婚後成長 Prepare/Enrich

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